Aufin Protocol converts DeFi with Aufin Autostaking Protocol
Welcome to the blog. This blog will focus on a new, upcoming crypto technology called the Aufin protocol. The Aufin protocol is fully decentralized and already has a working product and whitepaper.
This technology is based on a compound interest protocol that enables easy automatic betting, easy storage of cryptocurrency coins and easy purchase of cryptocurrency coins. The Aufin protocol is a protocol based on a hybrid of blockchain and database technologies.
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Aufin is an AI-driven blockchain protocol powered by a new class of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Computing. Aufin defines a data structure called Cognitive Object, to store valuable data. Cognitive Objects are linked together in immutable blockchain-based graphs, and can be queried, updated, and shared by third parties. This enables a new form of open data that is decentralized, transparent and accountable. Aufin provides on-demand and trusted data by facilitating a marketplace where data providers can monetize their data and data consumers can buy the data they need from trusted sources. Aufin has a very attractive token sale structure. There is a total supply of 100 million tokens, with 60% of them being sold to the public in two stages, the first is private selling. The remaining 40% will be sold through two public sales, for a total of 10 million tokens sold each time. The public sale price will be lowered slightly each time to create a discount for early buyers.
Aufin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which is a built-in compounding and staking protocol. It is one of the crypto ecosystems that provides opportunities to earn from holding, staking and compound interest.
Aufin is a crypto-auto staking and compounding protocol that allows holders to automatically stake and pool their coins by leveraging the financial instruments available from the crypto market to maximize ROI.
This protocol allows any cryptocurrency investor to deposit their coins in the Aufin staking smart contract and earn interest from it. This solution is suitable for holders of all cryptocurrencies, who can deposit their coins into our smart contracts and earn an annual interest rate by combining deposits.
Aufin protocol is a deflationary cryptocurrency protocol that stakes and adds interest to the balance of all users. The auto-staking feature in the Aufin protocol helps you to earn passive income just by storing defi tokens in your wallet.
Aufin is a decentralized cryptocurrency fund designed to help investors make daily profits by participating in staking and compounding protocols. This helps you to get more profit than just holding your coins on the exchange.
Benefit Token Holder
Aufin focuses on developing DeFi that provides benefits and incentives for Aufin token holders. Here are some of the benefits for $AUN holders:
Okay with Aufin Insurance — 5% of all exchange fees are held in Aufin Insurance which supports and supports tagging awards by maintaining cost solidity and significantly reducing the risk of loss.
Simple and Safe Betting — Aufin tokens generally stay in your wallet so you don't have to bother placing them under the control of outsiders or concentrated forces. You just buy and hold because as a result you get the gift in your own wallet so no more messed up tagging process in any way.
Interest Yield with Automatic Payouts — You really don't want to stress about having to re-stake your tokens. The interest yield is paid naturally and accumulates in your own wallet, promising you will never miss an installment.
APY Still the most important — Aufin paid 480,419.00% at the start of the year rivaling anything in the DeFi field to date. After the first year, borrowing costs drop during the Epoch.
Fast Interest Payouts — The Aufin Protocol pays each Aufin Token holder every 10 minutes or multiple times each day, making it the fastest auto-generating convention in crypto.
Automatic Token Burning — One of the amazing elements of the Aufin Protocol is a programmatic symbolic consumption framework called “Aufin Fireplace” which prevents supplies from going crazy and getting out of hand. Fireplace consumes 2.5% of all Aufin Token market offerings and is forfeited in similar individual exchanges.
Aufin Auto Staking and Compounding Defi Protocol.
Aufin is a protocol for blockchain. This allows you to earn interest safely on your Ether. Aufin works by letting users deposit ether into Ethereum smart contracts, which then automatically distributes compound interest every month. For example, 1% per month means if you deposit 100 ETH today, after one year you will have 105 ETH in your account. The main benefit compared to traditional banking is that the deposits are risk-free as they are stored in smart contracts protected by the security of the Ethereum network and are not
Aufin is the first autonomic defi protocol. It auto stakes and combines 24/7. It is ready for you to use in your portfolio.
Aufin crypto auto staking and compounding defi protocol is the easiest way to generate passive income with very low maintenance costs, using the power of blockchain and our proprietary smart contract technology.
The more time you hold Aufin crypto, the higher the staking and compounding returns. The protocol is designed to provide the highest possible returns for the longest possible time. It aims to minimize the volatility of the token price.
Aufin is a decentralized community based defi platform protocol for crypto staking and automated compounding. It is the first of its kind to offer a friendly ecosystem for investors and crypto businesses.
The BEP 20 token is created for easy transfer of value between businesses and consumers based on the Binance network. AUFIN (AUTO-MINING FINANCIAL NETWORK) is a blockchain protocol that offers an automatic staking and compounding mechanism, allowing everyone with AUFIN tokens in their wallet to receive rewards every day. We call it - AUTO-STAKING which returns 100% of all transactions to the user as a gift and COMPLICATIONS, which accumulates all interest received to your account.
Based on the Binance network, the BEP 20 coin is built for fast value transfers between businesses and consumers.
is a blockchain technology featuring automated staking and compounding, enabling anyone who has AUFIN tokens in their wallet to collect daily profits.
These are referred to as AUTO-STAKING, which pays the user with 100% of all transactions, and COMPOUNDING, which accumulates all the interest received into your account.
In the modern world, technology is changing the way we live. Many people use smartphones, computers, and other devices to conduct their business and financial transactions. However, a lot of people still rely on traditional methods to manage their financial lives. As a result, the world of finance is changing. Technology is now being used to help people manage their finances and make better decisions. The AUFIN blockchain protocol is being developed to take advantage of this trend. It aims to improve the way that people manage their wealth. The AUFIN protocol is designed to do this through a series of innovative technologies. The AUFIN protocol has some great advantages over the current financial management options.
2Ether는 이더 리움 블록 체인 기반의 새로운 디지털 코인입니다 포크 이더 리움은 매우 흥미 롭습니다. 세 번의 어려운시기 중 하나는 이더 리움의 기대 수명에서 중요한 한계가되었습니다. 이더 리움 클래식은 가장 논쟁의 여지가 있지만,이 어려운 지점은 전 세계 디지털 통화 네트워크에서 주요 철학적 토론을 시작합니다. 단지 탈 중앙화의 주제가 일반적인 참조 및 시험으로 밝혀졌습니다. Ethereum 그룹의 한 가지 주요 목표는 Proof of Work와 대조적 일 때 Proof of Stake 프레임 워크가 얼마나 유용하고 빠른지 보여주는 것입니다. 이를 통해 PoW 프레임 워크의 많은 결함 (전력, 냉각 및 가제트 비용, 예외적이고 개방 된 영역에 대한 요구 사항 등)이 제거됩니다. 또한, 누군가가 그들에게 지불하는 금액은 테이블에 더 많이 가져 갈수록 더 많은 금액을 지불합니다. 이것은 개인이 더 많은 동전을 얻고 더 많은 수입을 얻기 위해 모든 것을 교환, 구매 및 제공하는 데 관심을 갖도록 권장합니다. 2 이더 리움 블록 체인에 의존하는 또 다른 컴퓨터 동전입니다. ERC20 토큰과는 달리, 이것은 자체 블록 체인, 마이닝 동기 부여 장치 등을 갖춘 완전히 자율적 인 디지털 통화입니다. Solidity로 작성된 훌륭한 계약을 완벽하게 지원하며 Ethereum dApp에 완벽하게 맞습니다. 우리의 사명, 우리는 최고의 커뮤니티 아이디어를 선택하고이를 실현시켜 가장 유망한 광부, 개발자 및 인프라 프로젝트가 개발할 수있는 프레임 워크를 구축하는 것을 목표로합니다. GPU, CPU, ASIC, 클라우드를 통한 이더 리움 채굴은이 암호화 코인 팬들 사이에서 매우 중요한 움직임이므로 대화의 주요 목적입니다. 가상의 PoS 프레임 워크가 시스템에서 발생하는 절차를 가속화하고 신속하게 처리한다는 사실에도 불구하고, 이러한 변경으로 인해 시중에서 채굴 장비의 덤핑이 발생할 수 있으며, 이는 채굴 장비 일부의 음수 값의 변화를 의미 ...
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