Woxh is a fast growing blockchain based gaming platform
Woxh is a blockchain based game streaming platform. It uses a peer-to-peer protocol, similar to IPFS and Bittorent File Sharing (BTFS) used by Dive.
Woxh aims to use blockchain to provide a secure, flexible and decentralized platform for streaming multiple games.
Fraud is not a problem that should be ignored in any business. In addition, it can lead to unstable businesses and reduced relationships with consumers when flexible streaming platform WOXH uses blockchain to fight fraud-safe platforms and redefine the gaming industry.
There will be a decentralized structure:
Game development is also one example. Developing, downloading formats, advertising, needs information in this area, but nothing I can cite, the woxh blockchain structure takes care of this situation.
Build confidence and speed:
Where there is no trust, the Woxh streaming platform creates trust among companies as these companies now do business involving transactions that they might not otherwise do. Times may vary, the Woxh streaming platform based on blockchain can process transactions much faster than it would take days.
Woxh offers its users a flexible streaming platform. Woxh has no problem handling different game streams at the same time as this platform is also built for this purpose. It is impossible to hack data because all data is stored in blockchain on all computers. Woxh brings business to users, users can get many contacts and tokens with woxh. Most gamers spend their money to equip their homes with gaming resources so there is no more space and they still need more games, but with Woxh streaming platform, you can play games and your data will also be saved without loss.
A challenge for most traditional game streaming platforms
The game streaming platform is unique but requires significant facilities to run the required services. in several geographic areas. Low and slow network connection makes many developers can't see anything, even viewers can't access with low network connection, have no platform to distribute services,
Advantages of game streaming platforms.
One of the advantages of a game streaming platform is that you earn money from your customers and colleagues, even those who view your work.
It presents you to the world and lets all your talents and skills be known.
It offers you many contracts, you can go beyond the top companies to become their brand ambassador.
Anyone who dreams of or is looking for an opportunity to meet their favorite person who has influenced them can have a live conversation with whoever they want.
Those who watch can acquire good gaming skills through the game streaming platform, they can play uniquely.
The concept of a game streaming platform
Definition: A game streaming platform is a platform that allows you to remotely reach hardware on a service server. The era of technology is improving every day now that people are leaving the old fashion and turning to online. What's important is that you manage the computer standing in front of you and see everything it displays. All live video and audio feeds you see come from the server hardware. Transfer everything to your server, which now turns into a game command.
How to stream games
To stream games, you need a stable and fast network connection. On slow network connections, the input you send may not reach your audience and may render your game unplayable.
No data center and servers in some geographic areas
Requires high speed internet connection
Not enough data
Game ownership
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS)
using blockchain technology.
WOXH PLATFORM BRINGS SOLUTIONS TO: the need for a low-latency, high-bandwidth internet connection to deliver streams to users Disadvantages of in-game ownership Lack of data centers and servers in some geographic areas or not available for consumer markets. Limited data limit Distributed denial of service (DDOS) using blockchain technology.
TOKENMICS : Symbol: $WXT Decimal: 18 Supply: 100M Tax: 10%
WOXH game streaming platform removes geographical and economic barriers and gives every individual the opportunity to be a part of something bigger by connecting the world with blockchain technology, the introduction of blockchain will help to incorporate this industry into the whole ecosystem. By providing a decentralized and transparent way to deal with the problems associated with traditional game streaming platforms, the capacity of blockchain in gaming goes beyond the power of the virtual economy. When the game operates on a centralized server, the developer can decide to shut it down at any time, With blockchain, players can continue to play the game. The WOXH game streaming platform is a complete paradigm shift compared to how games hitherto been. Gamers can now have a guarantee that gives them great flexibility and security. ROADMAP Q1 2022 • Website Launch • Social Launch (Telegram, Discord, Twitter and Instagram) • Techrate Smart Contract Audit • Private Presale • Public Presale • Q2 2022 Liquidity • CertiK Smart Contract Audit • Register on DEX • Register on Coinmarketcap • Listing at Coinecko • Listing at CEXes Q3 2022 • Marketing • Bridges (Eth, Matic, Sol, etc.) • Staking • Launching Woxh
2Ether는 이더 리움 블록 체인 기반의 새로운 디지털 코인입니다 포크 이더 리움은 매우 흥미 롭습니다. 세 번의 어려운시기 중 하나는 이더 리움의 기대 수명에서 중요한 한계가되었습니다. 이더 리움 클래식은 가장 논쟁의 여지가 있지만,이 어려운 지점은 전 세계 디지털 통화 네트워크에서 주요 철학적 토론을 시작합니다. 단지 탈 중앙화의 주제가 일반적인 참조 및 시험으로 밝혀졌습니다. Ethereum 그룹의 한 가지 주요 목표는 Proof of Work와 대조적 일 때 Proof of Stake 프레임 워크가 얼마나 유용하고 빠른지 보여주는 것입니다. 이를 통해 PoW 프레임 워크의 많은 결함 (전력, 냉각 및 가제트 비용, 예외적이고 개방 된 영역에 대한 요구 사항 등)이 제거됩니다. 또한, 누군가가 그들에게 지불하는 금액은 테이블에 더 많이 가져 갈수록 더 많은 금액을 지불합니다. 이것은 개인이 더 많은 동전을 얻고 더 많은 수입을 얻기 위해 모든 것을 교환, 구매 및 제공하는 데 관심을 갖도록 권장합니다. 2 이더 리움 블록 체인에 의존하는 또 다른 컴퓨터 동전입니다. ERC20 토큰과는 달리, 이것은 자체 블록 체인, 마이닝 동기 부여 장치 등을 갖춘 완전히 자율적 인 디지털 통화입니다. Solidity로 작성된 훌륭한 계약을 완벽하게 지원하며 Ethereum dApp에 완벽하게 맞습니다. 우리의 사명, 우리는 최고의 커뮤니티 아이디어를 선택하고이를 실현시켜 가장 유망한 광부, 개발자 및 인프라 프로젝트가 개발할 수있는 프레임 워크를 구축하는 것을 목표로합니다. GPU, CPU, ASIC, 클라우드를 통한 이더 리움 채굴은이 암호화 코인 팬들 사이에서 매우 중요한 움직임이므로 대화의 주요 목적입니다. 가상의 PoS 프레임 워크가 시스템에서 발생하는 절차를 가속화하고 신속하게 처리한다는 사실에도 불구하고, 이러한 변경으로 인해 시중에서 채굴 장비의 덤핑이 발생할 수 있으며, 이는 채굴 장비 일부의 음수 값의 변화를 의미 ...
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