Safuu provides a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a continuous compound interest model through the use of the unique SAP protocol.
Safuu provides the industry's highest fixed APY, paid every 15 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your $SAFUU portfolio in your wallet at lightning speed.
offers a decentralized money source that rewards clients with a compound, fixed and multiple dividend model by leveraging the extraordinary conventions of SAP.The Safuu Auto-Staking Protocol is another currency convention that makes staking easier and more productive, providing $SAFUU token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.
What is Safu Network?
SAFU NETWORK is a decentralized finance project with an integrated Charity program that allows users to access transparent loans, insurance contracts, co-investments and more for financial freedom allowing not only to convert inefficient money into efficient money, but also to do it safely.road.Safu Network's Charity Program will help fight poverty and help vulnerable groups of people survive, with this program, we aim to allocate 2% of Safu Network's profits to charity programs.That's why SAFU is here for you.
The SAFU network has the world's safest cryptocurrency & Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-functional wallet containing high yield farms and static bet pools that helps you to Store, send, receive, buy, sell, exchange and stake passive income quickly and easily.secures all the advantages of other wallets and centralized/decentralized exchanges, but you keep control of your funds in your SAFUWALLET by Saving your seed phrases, you have control over your funds and with Safe Network Funds is SAFU.
Why choose us?
At Safunetwork, we separate the feature where the theory customer will return profit, by trading like in customer base some merchants will use our Token as a means to serve after our Safuwallet goes live and we will have SafuPay option where you really need to use #SAFU you, about everything.
Our pool of experts has been formed to manage, plan, advance, develop tasks to ensure that customer assets and adventures pay off and Guaranteed, not for short term but for long term stable profit.
At SAFU Network we intend to continue to show you some Miracles in what we do, we are also planning to develop a phenomenal endeavor that you all will love and call upon his family to join as soon as possible, we will send you a live power 1.0 structure of our website with basic but powerful features ahead, don't let us go because we agreed to give you what you need, it's because we understand that good things are not done quickly but require critical speculation.
The SAFU Network has the world's most secure computerized money, Fiat Compatible Wallet, a multi-tasking wallet containing an ever-expanding incredible return and a collection of static checks that help you Store, send, earn, Buy, sell, exchange and stake earnings robots with fast and secure with all the potential advantages of alternative wallets and unified/decentralized exchanges, however you have full control over your resources in your SAFUWALLET by Storing your articulation of Seeds, you have control over your resources and with Secure Network, the Fund is SAFU .
All Safuu holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest paid every 15 minutes. The clear difference in various aspects from others in the crypto market platform, the high percentage of profit of users on this margin, has made SAFUU trend and move faster than others, and future plans there have shown that this type of token will have a chance. to become one of the most dominant coins in a very short time.
You can earn up to $3,830,454.12 on $SAFUU at 382,945,41%. SIF serves as an insurance fund to achieve price stability and long-term sustainability of the Safuu protocol by maintaining a constant rebase rate of 0.02355% paid out to all $SAFUU token holders. The Ministry of Finance provides support to SIF in the event of an extreme drop in the price of the $SAFUU token. The Ministry of Finance is also funding investment, new Safuu projects and marketing for Safuu.
How does it work?
The SAP Auto-Stake feature is a simple yet powerful feature called Buy-Hold-Earn , which provides maximum ease of use and security for SAFUU$ holders. By simply buying and holding $SAFUU tokens in the wallet, you earn rebase rewards as interest payments earned, sending 0.02355% value directly to the same wallet from each holder every 15 minutes (1 epoch), 96 times a year..
Tokenomics Starting Supply — 325,000 Max Supply — 125,000,000,000 Accessible to Purchase on PinkSale Pre-Launch — 200,000 Breakdown Fixed Tokens — 100,000 will be used for PancakeSwap to match half liquidity and 25,000 will be used for advertising inc; Airdrop and Bounty Campaign.
PinkSale Pre-Launch PinkSale Pre-Launch Price — 1 BNB = 24.66 $SAFUU ($15.00 per $SAFUU)* *Current Fee 31-JAN-2022 Delicate Cap — 100,000 Hard Cap Tokens — 200,000 Tokens
APY Interest Yield Our HardCap Award is achieved on Day 1. Theoretically if we don't get all financing for 7 days for example, APY will not start until after that time. We want to make sure that ALL financial backers have asserted their tokens on PinkSale so that their $SAFUU tokens are kept in their own wallets and thus will be rewarded with APY interest. Whenever we have started the Safuu Protocol to start the APY cycle, it cannot be stopped or stopped which is Safuu's greatness, so in all fairness, we will definitely stand 24 hours to give everyone plenty of opportunities to guarantee their tokens. All Safuu holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest paid every 15 minutes. '' '
The Safuu team includes a pool of 5 highly respected blockchain/power/dApp/web designers, 3 advertising masters, and our popular CEO Bryan Legend. We have a lot of contacts in the cryptosphere that allow us to easily reach a force to be reckoned with and gain an edge over our rivals. It's also important to note that we will hope to increase our group size once we get a beneficial subsidy from our upcoming pre-shipment which will allow us to expand the Safuu brand soon.
2Ether는 이더 리움 블록 체인 기반의 새로운 디지털 코인입니다 포크 이더 리움은 매우 흥미 롭습니다. 세 번의 어려운시기 중 하나는 이더 리움의 기대 수명에서 중요한 한계가되었습니다. 이더 리움 클래식은 가장 논쟁의 여지가 있지만,이 어려운 지점은 전 세계 디지털 통화 네트워크에서 주요 철학적 토론을 시작합니다. 단지 탈 중앙화의 주제가 일반적인 참조 및 시험으로 밝혀졌습니다. Ethereum 그룹의 한 가지 주요 목표는 Proof of Work와 대조적 일 때 Proof of Stake 프레임 워크가 얼마나 유용하고 빠른지 보여주는 것입니다. 이를 통해 PoW 프레임 워크의 많은 결함 (전력, 냉각 및 가제트 비용, 예외적이고 개방 된 영역에 대한 요구 사항 등)이 제거됩니다. 또한, 누군가가 그들에게 지불하는 금액은 테이블에 더 많이 가져 갈수록 더 많은 금액을 지불합니다. 이것은 개인이 더 많은 동전을 얻고 더 많은 수입을 얻기 위해 모든 것을 교환, 구매 및 제공하는 데 관심을 갖도록 권장합니다. 2 이더 리움 블록 체인에 의존하는 또 다른 컴퓨터 동전입니다. ERC20 토큰과는 달리, 이것은 자체 블록 체인, 마이닝 동기 부여 장치 등을 갖춘 완전히 자율적 인 디지털 통화입니다. Solidity로 작성된 훌륭한 계약을 완벽하게 지원하며 Ethereum dApp에 완벽하게 맞습니다. 우리의 사명, 우리는 최고의 커뮤니티 아이디어를 선택하고이를 실현시켜 가장 유망한 광부, 개발자 및 인프라 프로젝트가 개발할 수있는 프레임 워크를 구축하는 것을 목표로합니다. GPU, CPU, ASIC, 클라우드를 통한 이더 리움 채굴은이 암호화 코인 팬들 사이에서 매우 중요한 움직임이므로 대화의 주요 목적입니다. 가상의 PoS 프레임 워크가 시스템에서 발생하는 절차를 가속화하고 신속하게 처리한다는 사실에도 불구하고, 이러한 변경으로 인해 시중에서 채굴 장비의 덤핑이 발생할 수 있으며, 이는 채굴 장비 일부의 음수 값의 변화를 의미 ...
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CLEVEBET Wettplattform im Ethereum CVB basiert auf Ethereum-Technologie und intelligenten Verträgen und ist die zuverlässigste Wettplattform. Obwohl das Wetten derzeit ein großes Geschäft geworden ist, gibt es immer noch einige Herausforderungen, die bewältigt werden müssen. Dazu gehören Sicherheitslücken, unfaire Gelegenheiten, exorbitante Gebühren, unprofessionelle Praktiken und enttäuschende Renditen. All diese enttäuschten zukünftigen Wetter und viele von ihnen entschieden sich dafür, im Untergrund zu wetten. Die CVB-Lösungen bieten dank der Blockchain-Technologie ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit und Transparenz bei den Wettaktivitäten. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung werden Vermittler ausgegeben: Die Spieler setzen ihre Einsätze und generieren auch Mittel für profitable Anweisungen. Um Geld zu sparen und Gewinne abhängig von den Bedingungen und den Wettergebnissen zu überweisen, kommen kluge Verträge zum Einsatz. Wie es funktioniert Auf de...
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