Decentralised Token & DeFi Project That Rewards You For Your Everyday
Hello everyone… Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called SurfMoon , so for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of the project, then What are the benefits given to everyone? Just go to the discussion below.
Is a community-based token on the Binance smart chain aimed at travel-based cryptocurrencies. By leveraging a smart tax structure and building a strong community, we aim to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFT and the travel sector. The long term goal of this is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, car rentals, travel insurance, hotels, airbnb and so on through the SurfMoon platform. But to get started, we'd like to offer travel advice, and give some great holiday package gifts to some of our lucky holders, especially with Christmas just around the corner.
The community-driven token and DeFi movement has been monumental in the past year. From seeing advertising campaigns for this token on billboards in major cities globally, to the growing use cases of this token to propel the DeFi movement to new heights. Digital currencies are starting to look like a viable alternative to conventional financial models, and the rapid developments we have seen are unlikely to stop. Although these tokens are often called 'shitcoins', they do not value those who have a strong team and developers who aim to solve problems and bring the community together. This effectively means that at some point, cryptocurrencies can and are expected to be used as a method of payment and interaction with the real world. This has paid off You can use a crypto debit card to pay in the shop; without the fluctuations typically associated with cryptocurrencies by leveraging stablecoins. You can buy watches online, buy tokens for charitable causes, PayPal payments will be fulfilled via cryptocurrency, medical data can be shared, cloud storage can be paid for multiple listings. He is not surprising that at some point you can buy real estate using these tokens/coins, and at the current level of development, this may be imminent. This brings us to SurfMoon. cloud storage can be paid for multiple lists. He is not surprising that at some point you can buy real estate using these tokens/coins, and at the current level of development, this may be imminent. This brings us to SurfMoon. cloud storage can be paid for multiple lists. He is not surprising that at some point you can buy real estate using these tokens/coins, and at the current level of development, this may be imminent. This brings us to SurfMoon.
SurfMoon is a travel-based redistribution token on the Binance Smart Chain. By leveraging a smart tax structure that rewards holders and by building a strong community, we aim to create a link between cryptocurrency, NFT and the travel sector. The long term goal is to at some point have a platform where users can compare flights, rental cars, travel insurance, hotels and so on through our platform. SurfMoon platform. SurfMoon will also provide regular prizes in the form of holiday packages and more
The ability to pay for travel using cryptocurrency i.e. partnering with leading flight, hotel and rental providers is SurfMoon's long-term goal. Not only will this make it easier for millions of people around the world to book their holidays, but it will also create huge opportunities for SurfMoon. Of course at the moment the viability of the movement is low, but with the increasing demand for travel from year to year, secure payments, and cryptocurrencies in general, it is not impossible that one day we can hope to achieve this goal.
Why pay with cryptocurrency?
Apart from obvious reasons, such as decentralization, eliminating middlemen and faster transaction fees, there are also other advantages, such as eliminating problems with exchange rates, and travel 'brokers' trying to take advantage of rising prices.
We'd also like to offer an exclusive discount to those holding SurfMoon, details of which will hopefully be announced in the near future. Of course realizing all of these ideas will require a large budget, which we seek to increase through sales/purchase tax structures, donation pools and through NFT sales. This tax structure will help us realize our prizes, including travel packages to major destinations around the world.
Our tokennomic structure includes BNB reflection, which is the current trend in the community coin space. It differs from native token reflection in that it prevents charts from dumping from selling, as well as promoting holding and inspiring investor safety. If the token market cap suffers, all those holding the original token suffer as well. Meanwhile, if the BNB reflection is distributed, it is likely to have an impact on a smaller investor portfolio. Apart from that, BNB reflections also promote token purchases, as they can serve as a means of passive income.
Total BNB Paid (All Holders): 1657.4859 BNB ~ $903,727.60 USD
My Rewards Pending: Connect your wallet to check
SurfMoon Holdings: Connect your Wallet to check
My Paid Rewards Total: Connect your wallet to check
Send BNB to MetaMask
Buy BNB and send it to your MetaMask wallet from an exchange (eg Binance). BNB is Binance's native currency.
Visit PancakeSwap
You will purchase $SurfMoon via PancakeSwap, visit the “Buy Now” link at the top of the page, or paste the contract address directly into PancakeSwap to purchase.
Buy $SurfMoon
Set the slippage to (9-13%)+ and press select the amount of BNB you want to exchange for $SurfMoon. Click connect wallet, then press swap! Easy as that.
Phase 1: Launch
Apply Surfmoon Contract
Publish the SurfMoon website
Assemble a dedicated team that believes in the long term
vision term
Make a private sale
Marketing for whitelisted presale apps
Surfmoon whitelist presale app open
Phase 2: Development
Marketing for whitelisted presales
Pre-sale whitelist directly on PinkSale
Marketing for public selling (Reddit, influencers, twitter, shill competition)
Direct public sale on PancakeSwap
Meme Competition + Prize
NFT sales
Phase 3: Growth
Community package holiday gifts
Consolidate use cases for SurfMoon + budget allocation
Team expansion
Phase 4: Expansion
A platform that combines travel, NFT and gaming
Mobile games and P2E browser
Regular package holiday gifts for dedicated members
Larger NFT library
Live travel comparison site with the aim of getting package provider partnerships
2Ether는 이더 리움 블록 체인 기반의 새로운 디지털 코인입니다 포크 이더 리움은 매우 흥미 롭습니다. 세 번의 어려운시기 중 하나는 이더 리움의 기대 수명에서 중요한 한계가되었습니다. 이더 리움 클래식은 가장 논쟁의 여지가 있지만,이 어려운 지점은 전 세계 디지털 통화 네트워크에서 주요 철학적 토론을 시작합니다. 단지 탈 중앙화의 주제가 일반적인 참조 및 시험으로 밝혀졌습니다. Ethereum 그룹의 한 가지 주요 목표는 Proof of Work와 대조적 일 때 Proof of Stake 프레임 워크가 얼마나 유용하고 빠른지 보여주는 것입니다. 이를 통해 PoW 프레임 워크의 많은 결함 (전력, 냉각 및 가제트 비용, 예외적이고 개방 된 영역에 대한 요구 사항 등)이 제거됩니다. 또한, 누군가가 그들에게 지불하는 금액은 테이블에 더 많이 가져 갈수록 더 많은 금액을 지불합니다. 이것은 개인이 더 많은 동전을 얻고 더 많은 수입을 얻기 위해 모든 것을 교환, 구매 및 제공하는 데 관심을 갖도록 권장합니다. 2 이더 리움 블록 체인에 의존하는 또 다른 컴퓨터 동전입니다. ERC20 토큰과는 달리, 이것은 자체 블록 체인, 마이닝 동기 부여 장치 등을 갖춘 완전히 자율적 인 디지털 통화입니다. Solidity로 작성된 훌륭한 계약을 완벽하게 지원하며 Ethereum dApp에 완벽하게 맞습니다. 우리의 사명, 우리는 최고의 커뮤니티 아이디어를 선택하고이를 실현시켜 가장 유망한 광부, 개발자 및 인프라 프로젝트가 개발할 수있는 프레임 워크를 구축하는 것을 목표로합니다. GPU, CPU, ASIC, 클라우드를 통한 이더 리움 채굴은이 암호화 코인 팬들 사이에서 매우 중요한 움직임이므로 대화의 주요 목적입니다. 가상의 PoS 프레임 워크가 시스템에서 발생하는 절차를 가속화하고 신속하게 처리한다는 사실에도 불구하고, 이러한 변경으로 인해 시중에서 채굴 장비의 덤핑이 발생할 수 있으며, 이는 채굴 장비 일부의 음수 값의 변화를 의미 ...
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